Wednesday, 10 July 2013

A visual representation og happiness psychology

The impact of happiness psychology on the students and on the teachers is long term and very evident. More and more we are realizing the importance of taking the time for ourselves and doing things that make us happy. Life is short and one second can change your experience and attitude towards life. We are not meant to be miserable and it seems the human experience keeps changing. The faster we can create the world we want to live in the more meaning our lives will have!The more energized and satisfied we are with ourselves the more people want to mimic that experience of happiness. More and more people want to incorporate play into their life and work in order to fill like they are living a fulfilled life. Every person has a different concept of what makes them happy. For some it is traveling, for some it is drawing, painting or sculpting, for some it is dancing while others love reading, music and the list goes on...What is yours?

Many of us believe that one day some day in the future I will be happy. This is a carrot we chase and hope for that we never achieve as life always gets in the way of living. We approach life with a backwards and therefore wrong equation of Having more Doing More and thus Being more
 for example does this sound familiar:  when I have more money, I will do more things wealthy people do and thus I will be rich... and what happens when we get a raise...we spend more money and live a richer life style thus never achieving the happiness we seek. The Equation MUST be: BE--> DO-->HAVE. So using our example by being wealthy today and taking the action to put a small amount of money on a regular basis you will have money you never had before. The same principle applies to happiness psychology and the education system as a whole.

Just imagine how different education would look and feel if both students and teachers were HAPPIER???
What would you do? George Ortega has created a show all about happiness psychology in the education system.

Still not convinced, How would you feel about going to a school that looks and feels like this? How differnt would your thoughts and experience be if this is the school you attended everyday?
Would you be more excited to learn and challenge yourself?

I know I would be inspired, motivated and very engaged if this is how the school I taught at looked and so would my students.

Imagine if your education experience was nothing but motivation:

How would your life change if you did not fear judgement of your peers?

What is the classroom was all about creative empowerment and navigation?

Tim Brown

There are endless Ted talks and YouTube videos that show the many benefits of happiness psychology.
What are some of your favourites and why?

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